
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Infant Tutu

I was over at a friend's house and she had out a tutu skirt similar to this on the table.  She told me that her sister-in-law bought it for her and after looking at it I decided that I could easily make it and for tons cheaper then it was bought for.  Total it cost me about $2.  I already had the headband and a yard of tulle was $1.49.

I first cut the whole yard into strips and cut each strip in half.

With each strip I folded it in half and tied it onto the headband and continued around the band.

                   I then went around again the next row up this time I went every other hole. 

Here is the finished product.


  1. What a great idea to use the headband! I'm currently trying to make my 2 year old a tutu for her birthday party this Saturday. Here's hoping it works out!

    Found you from the linkup!


  2. Cuteness! I love that shade of purple.


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