
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Teacher's Gift

Here are the gifts that I put together for my daughters teacher's this year as well as a couple of smaller ones for some of the other people that work in the school.

I picked up the baskets at the dollar store, they are two for a $1.  Then I put two of the jars of sugar scrub and a couple of balloons filled with playdough in the baskets.  The balloons are suppose to be those relaxers that you have tons of fun squeezing (at least I do.)  Then I wrapped them up in tissue paper added the tag and there you go!

The smaller gifts are very similar.

They are a jar and a balloon wrapped up in tissue paper.

These were really simple and easy to make.  They were inexpensive less than $10 for all of them if you are really tight on a budget like we are.

Somewhat Simple

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