
Monday, March 21, 2011

Workbook for 2-4 yr olds

My daughter loves doing workbooks and worksheets.  When she first started she said that she was doing her homework, because Daddy was in the other room doing homework for school.  I did some researching and found this website,  it has all kinds of stuff but they also had different worksheets with the alphabet, so I printed two different sheets for each letter and put them in a three ring binder in sheet protectors.  You can use dry erase markers on sheet protectors and wipe them right off when you are done, its perfect!  My daughter LOVES it, I made another one with a couple of workbooks from the dollar store so then I can use them over and over.  She pulls them out all of the time.

I'm linking up to these parties:

Lil Luna link partay

Weekend Wander





abc button


  1. What a great idea! My little boy would LOVE this!

  2. Love this idea!! Why didn't I think of it. Thank you!

  3. Thanks for the link - I have wanted to do this kind of thing with my three year old for a while but most templates are too either too small or have too much stuff on the page which is distracting. I like the idea of putting the sheets in plastic sleeves!

  4. I'm stopping by from the Lil Luna link up. This is a great idea! I think I will be printing this stuff up later today! -Justine

  5. Thank you for the link - I'm going to check it out.
    You're a super mom to listen so closely to your child!

  6. Thank you for sharing this! I've been looking for some worksheets, and I love the dry eraser idea!

  7. Brilliant! I wish I had thought of this when my daughter was two. :)

  8. Thanks for sharing! I will be checking out the link for sure! I would love it if you would share this on my Monday Linky Party!

  9. This is fantastic! Thanks for linking it to last week's party. It's been featured today. Come grab a button if you'd like!


  10. I love this, such a fantastic idea!

  11. This is a great idea! I am printing this tomorrow!

  12. I love their writing pages and use page protectors with our worksheets, too!

  13. This is great! Thanks for sharing the info, I have a boy who would love this. I would love for you to come and link up to my Fantastic Friday link party.


  14. This was one of my favorite tricks in the classroom so I didn't have to make as many copies for centers:) We would love if you would share your resourceful idea with our readers on the Show and Tell feature!

  15. What a great idea!!! I hate printing a million pages knowing they are done in no time, and it is thrown out. A perfect solution!

    Thanks for linking this project up with For the Kids Fridays! I appreciate you stopping by, and hope to have you back for this week's party! I'll be posting it later tonight.

    :)rachel at

  16. Great idea, I really need to make these for my 2 and 4 year olds! It will give them something to do while my older kids are doing their homework :)

  17. Saw you on blog hop, saw this link on your blog and just had to have a look - what a great idea, I have a 4 year old and this would be an ideal solution for her, thanks for sharing. Now google following you, would love if you could pop by my blog too, Karima x

  18. So I love your idea and just went to print some off for my son and can't find the ones you used. I'm finding a bunch of other ones, but really liked the ones you used. Can you tell me exactly where you got them? Sorry to be a pain. :)

  19. Go to the website then click on First Alphabet, then pick what letter click on it then part way down the page you should find a link that says coloring pages. Then they are the handwriting worksheets.

  20. Thank you so much! My son is going to love these!

  21. I would LOVE for you to stop over and link up this post in my new weekly Homeschooling on the Cheap link up. It is weekly, goes up on Thursday and stays up for the week.

    Thank you! Kelli

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