
Friday, April 29, 2011

Homemade Chicken Nuggets

I made some homemade chicken nuggets the other night.  My husband loved them and ate quite a few of them.

I started out with thawed chicken and cut them into strips that were about 3-4 inches long.  I also beat an egg in a small bowl so I could dip the chicken into it later.

In a small bowl I poured about a cup and half of unseasoned bread crumbs, 1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese, and season salt (to taste). Mix together.  Then dip the chicken piece into the egg then into the bread crumb mixture and placed on a cookie sheet.  (I wrapped the cookie sheet in aluminum foil first to cut down on cleaning time.) Continue until all of the chicken is covered in the bread crumb mixture. Then placed them into a preheated oven at 350 degrees, and I let them cook for 20-25 minutes and checked to see if they were white completely through.  If not add a few minutes at a time and continue checking until thoroughly cooked.

Iron Violet Designs


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Music Flash Cards

My daughter is learning how to play the piano.  Right now I'm the one teaching her (its not ideal but its what we are doing right now).  I made these flash cards for her with index cards.  A three pack at Walmart was $1.88 and I didn't even completely use one pack.  I did everything that she knew up to now.  With the actual notes, there are four cards of each note, but the note values are all different for the four cards.  I want her to be able to recognize the same note but in the different ways it is written.  I was able to have these done in about 30 minutes.


Somewhat Simple

Iron Violet Designs

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Kids in the Kitchen!!

Reminder: If you haven't done your monthly cleaning goal for the month that is okay you still have a couple of days left.  If you need the list of what it is go HERE Its okay if you didn't get it all done this month, there will be another opportunity to finish it up soon.

I want my kids to be able to cook by the time they leave home.  So why not start now when they are young and want to help me out in the kitchen.  My daughter has a day of the week that she cooks dinner.  She chooses what we are having and then together, I help her read the recipe and make the meal.  The first meal she choose to make was waffles.

She also measured everything out then mixed it all together.

She did everything under my supervision and made some really yummy waffles!!


Somewhat Simple

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cover for the Shelves

I made this cover for the end of the shelves awhile ago out of scrap fabric from making my husband's scrubs.  I couldn't figure out a way for the cover to stay on well and not fall off when little hands grab onto it.  My first attempt was sticky tack, which actually worked pretty well except that my daughter loves to chew on sticky tack.  So I had to come up with a new plan, meanwhile the cover ended up just sitting on one of the shelves for a couple of months.

Here is a before of what the shelves looked like before I organized the shelves better and put the cover back on.  My second attempt was using super glue, which really didn't work at all.  Then all of a sudden it came to me use duct tape!!!  So I pulled out the duct tape and taped it up, it works amazing!!!


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Somewhat Simple

Monday, April 25, 2011

Story time at the Library

One of our favorite things to do is going to story time at our local library every week.  All libraries are different.  The one that we go to generally reads stories for 20-25 minutes, then has two to three crafts for the kids to do then has a snack afterwards.  We live in a small town that has quite a few farms around it.  One of the kids that comes to storytime lives on one of the farms.  One week he brought in some baby bunnies for the kids see and play with.

Then the next week the same kid brought in a 4 day old calf for the kids to feed and pet.  The kids all loved it and what a great opportunity!  You never know what exciting thing is going to happen at the library!

abc button

Friday, April 22, 2011

Season Blocks

Last year before we moved, I made blocks that had all of the seasons on them, so then all I have to do is turn them for the next season.

I did these way before I had my Cricut so they took a lot longer then they should have.  I traced out all of the letters off of the computer screen, then onto card stock paper and cut them out.   After gluing the letters to the paper I then mod podge them onto the blocks and let dry!  Have fun making some.

Iron Violet Designs


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